Sometimes you can’t choose who you love, but you can choose who to be in a relationship with.
You may always feel that you are not worthy because you are not held in the same regard as someone else. When you invest a lot of importance in another person, but do not receive the same in return, that is the moment to recognize your own value.
There may come a time when you question whether your efforts to maintain your relationships are truly worthwhile. Why do you have to work so hard to keep the rhythm going in your connections with others? Sometimes, it feels like you have to put in a tremendous amount of effort, especially when the bonds are not mutual.
The adrenaline rush you experience pushes you to do things you’ve never considered before, as it often feels like the best way to keep yourself happy. However, that same rush can quickly destroy your happiness in just a few seconds when you realize that those feelings are unrequited.
In unrequited connections, you may find yourself adoring the behavior of another person; you long for their happiness and prioritize them above everything and everyone. However, it’s important to understand that even priorities have wings and can fly on their own. You cannot hold onto someone in your life just to make them recognize your worth, so it’s best to let them go. One day, they will likely return to acknowledge your value.
They say, “Unrequited bonds do not die; they are only beaten down to a secret place where they hide, curled and wounded.”
Allow others to recognize your value, focus on self-improvement, and good things will come.